Monday, July 27, 2009

Back to Work!

So, despite my urge to dive back into my cerebral horror film about America's obsession with... well, I'll get to it. No, instead I realized there was a spec that I've had sitting around that was almost complete and the time has come to finish it.

At heart, it's a bit of a slasher, a film style that I don't really enjoy seeing, but boy can they be fun to write. And, as I mentioned, this one was almost finished anyway and I want my dozen registered scripts by year's end. This one is set in the Australian Outback and involves some kids on their way to Mardi Gras. Along the way, they meet up with a character who has spent just a bit too much time alone in the wilds and has decided that other people aren't necessarily off the menu any longer.

Sure, it's a bt mindless, although the main character has a fun arc, but it needs to be completed. I should have the first draft by week's end. More as that develops...

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