Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Done and Done... Sort Of...

So, the Australian slasher is complete, at least in terms of the first draft. There are still issues to address in the story, but it always feels good to see that last piece of the skeleton fit into place prior to the dressing that occurs in rewrites. The actor that commissioned the script has yet to give his approval n the final act, which, admittedly, went to some extreme places, but I have confidence that I'll be able to provide for his needs. I've been saying that, aside from work-for-hire situations, this will be my last foray into the slasher, at least for the foreseeable future, but it is a fun playground.

Next up, retuning to the family fare for Frame of Mind Entertainment. I'm looking forward to that one, not only because it's a good-paying gig, but also because FOME actually produces the work. It's nice to write in a vacuum sometimes, but far more fulfilling to see the work make it to the screen, no matter what changes are made in the meantime.

Also, there's still a horror film on the horizon, the first act already written and an ending I'm very pleased with on paper, but it will have to remain unfinished for the time being. So sad...

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